Comprehensive implementation of the investment is the use and application of all the possibilities and competences of Elektrometal Energetyka SA for the needs of external clients. We help in the field of conducting power energy investments.The scope of our work includes, among others: technical and cost audits, multi-range proposals of solutions in the field of technology and equipment adaptation (eg design and construction of power transformer stations, switchgear modernization combined with replacement of primary and secondary circuit devices, adaptation of devices for quick exchange, selection of surveillance systems), design and execution work. We supervise the whole project. We implement unusual and personalized solutions. We adapt the technology of conducting work to minimize downtime or maintaining production continuity.
Check out other solutions available in our offer : dedicated software e²TANGO-Studio , e²ALPHA Single Busbar Swichgear, e²ALPHA-2S Double Busbar Swichgear, e²ALPHA-G Switchgear dedicated for mining , e²TANGO Protection Relays , ATS Automation, e²BRAVO Vacuum Circuit Breakers , e²YANKEE SCADA system , R&D Actions