Conference ‘The use of artificial intelligence in the power industry’ organised by PSBE and Elektrometal Energetyka SA
Thank you for meeting us at the conference ‘The use of artificial intelligence in the power industry’ organised by PSBE and Elektrometal Energetyka SA
In response to an invitation from The Polish Electric Power Industry Association (PSBE), we were pleased to host members of the association on 11th of January 2024 as part of a joint conference on the potential of artificial intelligence in the power industry.
During the visit to Elektrometal Energetyka SA’s headquarters, we showed the guests the production organisation of e²ALPHA MV switchgear, e²TANGO LV, MV and HV protection relays, e²BRAVO MV circuit breakers and the e²YANKEE SCADA system as well as the virtual e²ALPHA switchgear in a VR application.
The lecture panel included a training session on the latest changes in competition law organised by Deloitte. Subsequently, we presented to the conference participants the results of our development work on artificial intelligence, including the effects of research into phenomena and faults occurring in power system elements using predictive algorithms developed by Elektrometal Energetyka engineers, discussing their operation also on the basis of examples of operational experience of Clients using e²TANGO protection relays in their facilities.
We would like to thank you for your numerous attendances and interest in our solutions and invite you to further cooperation.