Elektrometal Energetyka SA at the fair KATOWICE 2015

On 8-11.09.2015 Elektrometal Energetyka SA is presenting its latest innovations at Europe’s largest International Fair of Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy KATOWICE 2015.

During the fair we are presenting among other products a modern switchgear- e²ALPHA that this year has been certified by Higher Mining Office for use in underground mining plants. With this certification the switchgear  become an attractive product for the mining industry. Besides that at our stand you can learn more about our latest product- e²TANGO bay controller, which was constructed according to the FAST & SMART idea, which focus on which focuses on the user and puts his needs above all, the key words are here user-friendliness and ease of use.  We invite you to our stand number 13C.


Redundancja w zabezpieczeniach e²TANGO

Aby zmaksymalizować bezpieczeństwo infrastruktury energetycznej na wypadek uszkodzenia części systemu zabezpieczenia e²TANGO wyposażyliśmy w rozwiązania redundantne takie jak:  moduł zasilacza redundantnego, w jednostce centralnej zabezpieczenia e²TANGO-600, -800,...